Brian and I took our first trip together as a couple 5 years ago when we went to SanDestin for the 4th of July. We fell in love...with each other and with the wonderful Baytown resort. We loved the convenience, excitement, and activities of this darlin little bayside community. The following year we looked forward to returning and celebrating the 4th again in SanDestin. That year we had something else to celebrate as well....Brain proposed after dinner on the balcony of our condo on July 3rd.
We have been every year since and this year was super special as we had Braxton with us. We were a bit anxious about being away from home for almost a week with a 7 month old but Braxton was great! We went to Jackson first for 2 nights to meet our new little nephew Zeke. He is precious and such a blessing for the Childress family!! So glad we got to see him and can't wait to get back to love on him. He felt so tiny - 6 lbs 9 oz- compared to Braxton's 21 lbs! Our journey from Jackson to the beach was very long- were stuck on Mobile Bay Bridge for over an hour- Braxton was wet and hungry, I was pumping in the backseat, and we all had to pee. We had to stop for dinner before we got to the beach due to our delay so we stopped at Cracker Barel and Braxton loved it. He was fired up since he had been in the car for so long. Think it was his favorite restaurant of the trip.
We had such a wonderful time. Braxton slept late every day so we got some good sleep. He absolutely loved the pool- constantly splashed around and even kicks his feet when on his belly. He did great at the beach. It helped that it wasn't hot or very sunny :). And despite the oil issues the beach was still beautiful (and a bit less crowded). We got to spend some time with some good friends - our next door neighbors Scott and May, and some new friends- one of Braxton's classmates and her parents. We did some shopping and got him some clothes that will hopefully fit better than the tight 9 month clothes we are squeezing him into. And Brian and I even got to carry on our annual tradition - steak dinner w/ a bottle of vino and the best bannanas foster in the world at Segars! We had a sitter for Braxton for a few hours. We were a bit nervous but he was already ready for bed and she was a super nice lady. He did great and we got to enjoy some alone time.
Brian and I always look forward to this trip and I'm so glad that Braxton enjoyed it as much as we do. Look forward to making memories there in the years to come. Maybe we will stay longer next time.....
Friday, July 9, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Fathers Day
Braxton is so very lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy!!
I knew that Brian was going to be a great Dad but he is beyond what I had expected or would have imagined. He loves that little boy so much and it warms my heart to see him hug and squeeze and kiss on him. I love it that Braxton lights up when Brian comes in the room, and kackles aloud when they wrestle on the bed. He sleeps best on his daddy's chest, and loves listening to him read. I am so blessed to have him as a husband and am so glad that he loves being a Dad to our precious little man!
We enjoyed Father's Day by spending some time at the lake with Pappa O and Nanna. All 4 of us (Maggie and Bentley went with us of course) spend the afternoon in the water and lounging on the deck. Braxton had his own little makeshift pool and loved it. We look forward to spending many more weekends here over the years.
This week has been tough- Brian had sinus surgery on Tuesday and Braxton had tubes put in on Thursday. Braxton didn't miss a beat and even went back to school on Friday. Brian is feeling much better today but was a tough recovery and still has a way to go before being 100%. Luckily Mimi came to help us and to spoil Braxton ;).
We leave on Wed night for our summer vacation- going to Jackson to see our new nephew and then heading to the beach to celebrate the 4th of July. Can't wait!!

I knew that Brian was going to be a great Dad but he is beyond what I had expected or would have imagined. He loves that little boy so much and it warms my heart to see him hug and squeeze and kiss on him. I love it that Braxton lights up when Brian comes in the room, and kackles aloud when they wrestle on the bed. He sleeps best on his daddy's chest, and loves listening to him read. I am so blessed to have him as a husband and am so glad that he loves being a Dad to our precious little man!
We enjoyed Father's Day by spending some time at the lake with Pappa O and Nanna. All 4 of us (Maggie and Bentley went with us of course) spend the afternoon in the water and lounging on the deck. Braxton had his own little makeshift pool and loved it. We look forward to spending many more weekends here over the years.
This week has been tough- Brian had sinus surgery on Tuesday and Braxton had tubes put in on Thursday. Braxton didn't miss a beat and even went back to school on Friday. Brian is feeling much better today but was a tough recovery and still has a way to go before being 100%. Luckily Mimi came to help us and to spoil Braxton ;).
We leave on Wed night for our summer vacation- going to Jackson to see our new nephew and then heading to the beach to celebrate the 4th of July. Can't wait!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Summer Fun
We have really been enjoying the warm weather and getting out and about with Braxton. He is such a great baby and just lets us take him everywhere. Over the last couple of months he has attended baby showers, weddings, and birthday parties. We took him to pool for the first time a copule of weeks ago and he got to spend some time at the lake with Brian over Memorial Day (I took my first girls trip away!!).
He eats so much!! Haven't found anything he doesn't like yet- even eats green beans and sweet peas. He eats cereal and fruit in the morning and two vegetables at night and still manages to eat 7-8 ounces of milk. I still get to nurse him every once in a while and I really enjoy the time when I can. Our favorite part of the day has become the mornings. I hear Braxton cooing and talking on the monitor...letting us know he is awake. Lately I've seen him pulling his bumper pad down and chewing on it. That is when I usually get moving to go get him. Then he gets to spend some play time in bed with Mommy and Daddy. He is always full of energy and so fun in the morning so I have grown to love this time!
He is rolling over (makes diaper changing much more difficult), almost sitting up on his own, and loves splashing around during bath time. Amazed at how fast he is growing!
Here are some various pics taken the past couple of months.
Only Guy at the Baby Shower

Braxton and Brian- Easter

Uncle J teaching litte B how to drive!

Not loving his Easter outift but Mommy sure thought he looked handsome

Love my Gran!

Love my Mimi!

First trip to the pool

First trip to the Lake- Memorial Day

He eats so much!! Haven't found anything he doesn't like yet- even eats green beans and sweet peas. He eats cereal and fruit in the morning and two vegetables at night and still manages to eat 7-8 ounces of milk. I still get to nurse him every once in a while and I really enjoy the time when I can. Our favorite part of the day has become the mornings. I hear Braxton cooing and talking on the monitor...letting us know he is awake. Lately I've seen him pulling his bumper pad down and chewing on it. That is when I usually get moving to go get him. Then he gets to spend some play time in bed with Mommy and Daddy. He is always full of energy and so fun in the morning so I have grown to love this time!
He is rolling over (makes diaper changing much more difficult), almost sitting up on his own, and loves splashing around during bath time. Amazed at how fast he is growing!
Here are some various pics taken the past couple of months.
Only Guy at the Baby Shower

Braxton and Brian- Easter

Uncle J teaching litte B how to drive!

Not loving his Easter outift but Mommy sure thought he looked handsome

Love my Gran!

Love my Mimi!

First trip to the pool

First trip to the Lake- Memorial Day

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
I am so extremely blessed to be Braxton's mother. To think that this time last year we didn't know yet if our little miracle was a he or a she. Now I can't imagine our life without him, his cute little smile, his fat little cheeks, and that shine in his little eyes when he sees something interesting. His little giggle just makes my heart grow each time I hear it!
Since our last post he has started rolling over (still doesn't go from front to back very well but has mastered back to front), reaches out for things with both hands, jumps in his jumperoo for hours and likes to do the same thing in our arms (makes for a quick arm workout), knows how to tell us when he is done with his bottle and purses his lips together and turns his head when he doesn't want to eat his food, can put himself to sleep- HUGE accomplishment. Each night after he gets his bath and eats we may read a book to him then just lay him in his crib and he curls up with his lovie (blanket) and goes to sleep. He is a good sleeper like his Dad- sleeps all night long usually without a peep. We are still battling ear infections but he still seems to feel ok and sleep and eats good. And just this week he had 2 little teeth come through!! He is growing so fast!! Litterally he weighs over 17 lbs!!
Braxton enjoyed his first church service at Highlands- he stared at all the lights and listened to the fabulous music then I took him to the nursery. We went to church with Gran on Easter Sunday and enjoyed lunch with the family. Braxton couldn't enjoy hunting Easter Eggs but he sure looked pretty (I mean hansome) in his Easter outfit. I was so nervous he would poo all over it since he was on antibiotics but luckily we made it without an accident.
He attended his first charity event last weekend :). Brian was Captain of a Relay for Life team. Braxton and I spent a few hours at the event walking around the track and watching all the kids play games. We were so proud of Brian for raising so much money and supporting such a wonderful cause. And we were both so proud of Braxton for being such a trooper even past his bed time. I'm sure it is just the first of many chairty or fundraising events we drag him to :).
I just love this little man so much! I love watching him learn and grow. I love that he lights up when he sees me or Brian and that pray that he always knows how much we love him.
My prayer for him today on Mothers Day is that God continue to hold Braxton close to him, that he continue to bless him with safety and good health, that he always feel loved, cared for, and protected by his parents and by his heavenly father, and that as he grows up he builds a relationship with Him, that he grows in faith and that he trusts in the Lord like his parents strive to do every day!
Since our last post he has started rolling over (still doesn't go from front to back very well but has mastered back to front), reaches out for things with both hands, jumps in his jumperoo for hours and likes to do the same thing in our arms (makes for a quick arm workout), knows how to tell us when he is done with his bottle and purses his lips together and turns his head when he doesn't want to eat his food, can put himself to sleep- HUGE accomplishment. Each night after he gets his bath and eats we may read a book to him then just lay him in his crib and he curls up with his lovie (blanket) and goes to sleep. He is a good sleeper like his Dad- sleeps all night long usually without a peep. We are still battling ear infections but he still seems to feel ok and sleep and eats good. And just this week he had 2 little teeth come through!! He is growing so fast!! Litterally he weighs over 17 lbs!!
Braxton enjoyed his first church service at Highlands- he stared at all the lights and listened to the fabulous music then I took him to the nursery. We went to church with Gran on Easter Sunday and enjoyed lunch with the family. Braxton couldn't enjoy hunting Easter Eggs but he sure looked pretty (I mean hansome) in his Easter outfit. I was so nervous he would poo all over it since he was on antibiotics but luckily we made it without an accident.
He attended his first charity event last weekend :). Brian was Captain of a Relay for Life team. Braxton and I spent a few hours at the event walking around the track and watching all the kids play games. We were so proud of Brian for raising so much money and supporting such a wonderful cause. And we were both so proud of Braxton for being such a trooper even past his bed time. I'm sure it is just the first of many chairty or fundraising events we drag him to :).
I just love this little man so much! I love watching him learn and grow. I love that he lights up when he sees me or Brian and that pray that he always knows how much we love him.
My prayer for him today on Mothers Day is that God continue to hold Braxton close to him, that he continue to bless him with safety and good health, that he always feel loved, cared for, and protected by his parents and by his heavenly father, and that as he grows up he builds a relationship with Him, that he grows in faith and that he trusts in the Lord like his parents strive to do every day!
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

I have been back to work for four weeks now but this week was the most challenging. This week we have been a family of sick and injured. Tuesday was Take it to the Doctor Day. Braxton's cold was getting worse and he started running a fever so we took him to the pediatrician. Brian went back to the doc-in-the-box because he seemed to be getting worse instead of better, and Tuesday morning Maggie had a consult with the orthopedic surgeon about her torn ACL.
The verdict: Braxton had an ear infection, Brian got some stronger antibiotics and cough medicine, and the orthopedic confirmed that Maggie needed surgery and soon. We stayed at home on Tuesday and most of Wednesday with Braxton and Brian and then Maggie had surgery on Thursday afternoon.
To add to our already stressed work week, we rescheduled Braxton's 3 month photo session for Friday morning. (We had to cancel last weekend since he was feeling so terrible and his eyes were all red and puffy.) The photographer was coming to our house at 8 am. We were actually all dressed on time and even had cinnamon rolls and coffee ready. Braxton had been smiling and laughing- in a great mood. Well of course as soon as the photographer got her camera out, Braxton morphed into serious mode. We couldn't do anything to get him to smile....not even a grin. He started to get tired and she was able to get a few of him asleep which should turn out sweet, but that little booger just didn't want to "perform". BUT- Daddy and Braxton had their own photo session while I was at dance this morning and Brian got some FABULOUS shots!!
I have included some w/ this post.
Things started to look a bit brighter today :).
Braxton slept from 8pm to 6am last night!!! He seems to be feeling much better- was in a great mood all day today, as you can see from the pictures. Maggie is doing well and doesn't seem to be in much pain (but she looks so sad and pitiful in her little kennel all by herself). Brian is feeling a bit better as well. We both got some much needed sleep so that in itself has helped. I even had enough energy to make it through my dance class this morning w/out too much difficulty.
Well tomorrow starts a new week and hopefully an improved one :).
Brian is going to be out of town from Monday till Thursday so I'll have my hands full w/ Braxton and Maggie but Aunt MJ and Uncle Jeff and Ajalee will be staying with us this week so they can help me out. So looking forward to visiting w/ them.
Bring on the new week!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010
I can't believe my maternity leave is coming to an end. I have enjoyed every minute of being at home with Braxton. He has grown and changed and learned so much over the past 10 weeks.
I have mixed feelings about tomorrow. I'm ready to be back at work and back in a routine but will really miss our special time together. The daycare he is attending is fabulous and his teachers are wonderful so that gives me a sense of peace. He went to daycare for a few hours a day last week to get his feet wet so to speak. He did really well. They were bragging about how good he was doing and what a sweet boy he is-I was proud of my big boy!
The first two days he attended he slept the whole time he was there so he didn't sleep as well at night. On Wednesday morning I had a chat with him when I dropped him off. I told him that he needed to try and play some and not sleep the whole time. Like a good boy he listened to his mom. He only slept for 20 minutes the entire time he was there. That night he was ready to go to bed at 6 because he was so exhausted. I'm sure he'll get his schedule worked out after a week or so, at least I hope so. Friday we had a snow day. We spent our last full day together playing and lying in bed watching the snow. It was great! I know this week will be a big transition for all of us so keep us in your prayers.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Braxton Update

Braxton is now 7 weeks old and has been so much fun latley. He is kooing and talking, laughing and smiling. He can respond to us and can reach out to bat at his toys. He loves going and doing, as that is the only way I can get him to sleep for more than 30 minute at a time. He is eating good and sleeping great at night. I only have to get up once at night to feed him. He even went 8 hours between feedings one time last week. Now if Brian and I could just get to bed earlier we'd be doing great! The dogs are getting adjusted as well. They still want more of my attention but seem to understand when I can't give it to them. I took the leap today and took all three of the "kids" on a walk. Braxton slept the entire time despite my discipline of the dogs. But really the dogs did great. Was not a very relaxing walk but we all got some exercise nonethless. I took a nap the other day (rare!) and had Braxton on my chest, Max (the cat) on my feet and the dogs as close to me on the floor as they could get. I felt very loved!
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