I can't believe my maternity leave is coming to an end. I have enjoyed every minute of being at home with Braxton. He has grown and changed and learned so much over the past 10 weeks.
I have mixed feelings about tomorrow. I'm ready to be back at work and back in a routine but will really miss our special time together. The daycare he is attending is fabulous and his teachers are wonderful so that gives me a sense of peace. He went to daycare for a few hours a day last week to get his feet wet so to speak. He did really well. They were bragging about how good he was doing and what a sweet boy he is-I was proud of my big boy!
The first two days he attended he slept the whole time he was there so he didn't sleep as well at night. On Wednesday morning I had a chat with him when I dropped him off. I told him that he needed to try and play some and not sleep the whole time. Like a good boy he listened to his mom. He only slept for 20 minutes the entire time he was there. That night he was ready to go to bed at 6 because he was so exhausted. I'm sure he'll get his schedule worked out after a week or so, at least I hope so. Friday we had a snow day. We spent our last full day together playing and lying in bed watching the snow. It was great! I know this week will be a big transition for all of us so keep us in your prayers.